Thursday, May 23, 2024, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM MDT
Lunch is provided for all attendees.
Accessibility, often expressed through WCAG 2.2 compliance, is often the last checkbox we tick before we launch a website. That means that we lose an opportunity to be intentional about how we design the digital experience for people who are evaluating, applying and attending colleges and universities. By extension, it also means that we miss an opportunity to broaden the scope of work to address people's needs more effectively and coordinate conversations about how class materials, processes and services align to ensure that all learners can access the environments we offer equitably.
Design for edge cases often results in optimizing the experience for everyone; keeping in mind the unique needs of people who live with disabilities forces us to be more creative in our problem-solving. This talk will focus on strategic and tactical recommendations that you can use to improve your approach to accessibility across campus:
- Discover ideas around how AI can be used to complement work.
- Learn best practices built on years of experience in experience research, design and education around marketing and supporting equitable learning environments.
- Take away recommendations around how you can connect with teams to build momentum to ensure the learning experience works for everyone.
Our keynote is made possible by the support of our premier keynote sponsor:
1201 Larimer St
Student Commons Building
Denver, CO 80204
United States