Become a sponsor

Digital Collegium invites you to become a sponsor for the 2025 Analytics & AI Summit. With a focus on online analytics, data and metrics in higher education, attendees will gain a better understanding of the varied ways analytics can inform their work.

As a sponsor, you'll have the unique opportunity to spotlight your solutions and interact with stakeholders, influencers and decision-makers.

Gold sponsor    $2,500 (2 available)

  • 45-minute pre-recorded presentation in conference track.
  • Enhanced virtual hall presence with chat functionality and digital swag offering.
  • Summit opt-in pre and post event attendee list.
  • Logo on thank you slides before each session.
  • Listing on event website and emails.
  • Three complimentary registrations.

Silver sponsor   $1,000 (5 available)

  • Enhanced virtual hall presence with chat functionality and digital swag offering.
  • Summit opt-in pre and post event attendee list.
  • Logo on thank you slides before each session.
  • Listing on event website and emails.
  • Two complimentary registrations.

Exhibiting sponsor  $500

  • Basic virtual hall presence.
  • Logo on thank you slides before each session.
  • Listing on event website and emails.
  • Digital swag bag offering.
  • One complimentary registration.

Poster session $500

Add-on opportunity for registered sponsors.

  • Three-five minute pre-recorded video presentation.
  • Highlight a project, technology or a cool idea during the scheduled poster hour.
  • Directly interact with poster attendees through live Q & A chat during poster hour. (Poster representative must attend online poster session.)

For more information email us at

Thank you to our 2024 sponsors

Gold sponsors

Exhibiting sponsors